Our debt retirement campaign,“Keep It 100” begins on September 3rd.

Together, we embark on this journey to achieve our goal of $1,100,000, thereby retiring the debt.  

100% participation 100% completion

     We will keep pushing until we reach our target and with your support, retiring the debt is inevitable. We are calling on everyone to make a sacrificial commitment


above and beyond your tithes until we retire the debt.

Together, these contributions will make a tremendous impact, inching closer to our ultimate objective.

   To give to keep it 100 online, please select the debt retirement drop down.

   To give in-person, please use the special “Keep it 100” envelopes located at The Welcome Center or from the deacons as you enter or exit the sanctuary.

   Together, let's “Keep It 100”until we triumphantly retire the debt
and pave the way for an even brighter future for Good Shepherd Baptist Church!

“Keep It 100” begins Sunday, September 3rd. Let's "Keep It 100!”